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Wednesday, March 12, 2014



Written in the Alps, 1973, Grenoble, France

by Susan Fox

He comes with leaves,
drops brown and crackling
onto pavement,
shrieks cold and sharp 
through the city; 
He rises and dies. 

Have you heard the
rustling from the mountains?
Can you see His
autumn red slashed across the hills?
Rain sweet and fresh, He tastes of morning.

“Come,” He said; I went.
I wrapped myself in the hills.

But a city wind blows there
   the whistling from the gutter;
I heard the infant cry
    louder, LOUDER than leaves.

Once we found the mountains shaken
with expectant birth of my Beloved;
but all the Kings and Diplomats
cannot stop the slow erosion of "I believe!"
nor the bold rivers of hope. Arise!  

Clouds settled on a hill called Skull.
I climbed that hill and sat in fog,
arms around the middle tree;
For three days all life had gone –
the wind blows hollow on a hill for weeds.

The blood on the grey stone church walls
beckoned me down to human places.
Now, I bleed freely, too,
and listen to leaves, the cry of children.

Monday, March 10, 2014

SOLDIER AND CHILD: The Rock of True Devotion to Mary

by Susan Fox

Reprinted from Maria Legionis April 1998 based on a talk I gave some years before to auxiliary and active members of the Legion of Mary

Addressed to the Holy Spirit: “I stand before you as her soldier and her child, and I so declare my entire dependence on her. She is the mother of my soul. Her heart and mine are one; and from that single heart she speaks again those words of old: ‘Behold the Handmaid of the Lord;’ and once again you come by her to do great things...” (Words of the Legion of Mary Promise)

If I take off my glasses, I can't
 see anything at all. If you asked me to
 point to a close family member in the same room with me, I couldn’t do it. Being nearsighted can make us feel helpless.
Author Susan Fox wearing her glasses
 with son, James Fox about 1995

With my glasses on, I'm
 an extremely confident person. But encounter me in the swimming pool with my glasses off, and I would
 smile blandly and vaguely in your direction. But I would never say hello even if I knew you -- because I wouldn't know you
 were there.

I used to work for a newspaper in
 Southern California, and in connection
 with that job I had to stay a week at a 
posh hotel in Newport Beach with a lot of
 bankers. It was a difficult assignment. 
But after work, I made my way to the
 swimming pool, and after swimming my 
laps I got into the adjoining hot tub. 

As I eased my aching bones into the water, I noticed a swarthy looking man with a bodyguard standing behind him. Another man with blond hair
 was soaking in the tub. Now I lived in San
 Diego, known as the playground for
 organized crime. In my job I sometimes interviewed men in this profession, so it was not so far fetched 
for me to jump to the conclusion that
 I was sitting in a hot tub in Newport
 Beach with a crime boss.  

That concerned me. But he left shortly after I
 arrived, and when I wondered out 
loud what profession that man held, the blond man cracked up laughing. 
He was probably a “plain clothes” American Secret Service also guarding the swarthy man, but wearing a bathing suit.

When I got out of the hot tub, some of 
my banker friends ran up to me and 
asked what it was like being in the hot tub
 with the King. And I said, "King, what 
King?" And they said, "Why King Hussein
 of Jordan. You were in the hot tub with
 the King!"
King Hussein of Jordan
sadly now deceased

Now you may wonder how I am going
 to jump from King Hussein of Jordan to Marian
 Devotion. True Marian Devotion is my
 topic because Christ-centered Marian 
Devotion is the rock on which the army of
 the Legion of Mary is built.

I had a dream that summed it all up. I dreamt that my glasses 
were broken and I had to walk home, but I
 was afraid I wouldn't find the way.

So one nice blurry Person gave me the 
hand of a nice blurry lady, and He said she 
would lead me home. When I woke I realized the nice blurry
 man was Jesus, and the lady He'd given me was Mary, His mother. I remember in the dream feeling a little
 unsure of myself. I didn't know who
 this lady was. I couldn’t see her clearly. But she
 seemed nice -- like a mother or a
St Louis Marie de
Now there was a great and humble priest 
who lived in the 18th century, who basically 
summed up all the best thinking of the 
Catholic Church on the Blessed Mother. 
And he constantly worried that Jesus was 
not known enough in the world. His Holiness 
Pope Clement XI agreed, so he sent Father 
Louis Marie de Montfort back to France with 
the title Missionary Apostolic, and with the mission to make Christ known by spreading True Devotion to Christ's Mother. For Fr. Louis Marie and Pope Clement knew that 
until Mary is known and understood, we cannot really come to know Jesus. He will always remain a nice blurry person.

St. Louis Marie De Montfort declares, "It is the characteristic of Jesus to conduct us surely to 
the Eternal Father... Spiritual persons 
should not fall into the false belief that Mary
 can be a hindrance to them in attaining 
divine union. Other creatures - however
 holy - may be a hindrance, but such cannot 
be said of Mary."

He further states that the reason why so
 "few souls come to the full measure of the
 stature of Christ is because Mary is not sufficiently formed in their hearts. He, who wishes to have the fruit well ripened and well formed, must have the tree that produces it. 
He who wishes to have the fruit of life, Jesus
 Christ, must have the tree of life, which is

With his dying breath, Jesus gave us 
Mary as our mother, when from the cross He
 said, "Behold your Mother." But our mother can nourish us only in the
 measure that we depend on her, and work
 in union with her. All are invited by the whole of heaven to 
be both a child and a soldier of Mary. This role especially belongs to active and auxiliary members of the Legion of Mary.

To be a soldier and child of Mary is the wording of the Legion
 Promise. It contains the entire theology of the Legion apostolate, which is based on the teachings of St. Louis 
Marie de Montfort.


The first step to enter a child's
  relationship with Mary is to know her. I recommend you read De Montfort's classic work, True Devotion to Mary, the Scriptures, and say the Rosary fervently.  

De Montfort sets up a plan 
by which we can try to live out our 
Marian Devotion by giving ourselves, our thoughts, our merits, even our 
misery to Jesus through Mary.

In his famous thirty-three day 
preparation for total consecration to Jesus 
through Mary, Fr. Louis Marie leads you through a
 series of prayers, sacrifices, spiritual exercises and readings that help one prepare 
to make their consecration. This culminates in what is basically a renewal of
 the baptismal vow.

If you are able to undertake active
 membership in the Legion of Mary, this will help.  The Legion of Mary was created under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit in 1921 by a group of people consecrated to Mary, who wanted a spiritual system that -- if followed faithfully -- would allow them to live out De Montfort’s total consecration in their daily lives. Active membership in the Legion 
is like having training wheels on the bicycle of Marian Devotion.

I made my consecration for the first
 time in 1980, and renewed it every
 year since. But as you can see from my 
dream, God is telling me I have 
just begun to know my mother. She is still just a blur to me as is her Son. I am at the start of my spiritual journey.

King Hussein is just a man, an earthly king. But Jesus is the real King of all Nations. If I got into the hot tub with Jesus, would I smile vaguely in His direction, and never say hello? Afterwards, you would all run to me, and say, “What was it like being in the hot tub with the King?” And I’d say, “What King?” And you’d say, “Why Jesus, King of all Nations! Didn’t you recognize Him?”

And I’d have to say with the disciples on the road to Emmaus that I did not recognize Him except later in the breaking of the bread. God’s ways are unexpected and disconcerting. We expected to meet Him at the crossroads, but he was with us all the way to Emmaus. We thought we were in the hot tub with a member of the underworld, and it was really the King.

So we need Mary. And even if we are nearsighted and don’t know Mary very well, we at least can feel the hand of wonderful lady, who will lead us to Jesus in the hot tub, Jesus at the crossroads and Jesus in every decade of our Holy Rosary.

With the writer of Psalm 23, we can pray, “Swing back, doors, higher yet; reach higher, immemorial gates, to let the King enter in triumph! Who is this great King? Who but the Lord, mighty and strong...” The doors are the entrances to our hearts. The gatekeeper is Mary. She’ll always open the door to her Son, Jesus. You can depend on it.

So I thank God I am nearsighted and helpless. Helplessness is a great gift given to each of us that we might learn to depend on God and His Mother.


But you might look at me and say, “Susan, I can see how this helplessness leads me to become a child of Mary, but how can you possibly call me a soldier if I’m walking around half-blind all the time?”

But that’s what a Catholic evangelist is called to be  – both soldier and child of Mary.

Call that sense of helplessness humility, and you will see that only the humble dare to be bold. Only by the royal road of humility can God be found and then subsequently shared with others. People will close up and refuse to talk to those who come by the road of pride and arrogance. But send a soul emptied of self, who truly regards the one visited as standing on sacred ground, and that soul can reach the most hardened sinner.

And that’s what the solders in the Legion do: they build up the kingdom of God through prayer and visiting. Only the humble are truly bold. Only the humble expect miracles and receive them. And the great things this army accomplishes is nothing less than the return of the pagan and dechristianized masses to God starting with George, who lives around the corner, and Gertrude from across the street.

Another humble soul might not be able to physically visit their neighbor. They may not be free to be active members of the Legion of Mary. But every Catholic on earth can become an auxiliary or praying member of the Legion. Send that soul into the trenches in prayer, and that soul may save thousands instead of hundreds in their lifetime. And that soul is doubly blind and twice as helpless because he won’t meet the people he helps through his daily Rosary said for Mary’s intentions.
Auxiliary Members of the Legion of Mary
are armchair warriors for Christ in His
Mother's Army.

That praying legionary is going to trust Mary twice as hard because he’s going to be sitting in his armchair, or quietly praying in Church, and he is not going to see the fruit of his labor until he dies. And when he dies, all kinds of people will come up to him and say, “Thank you.” And he’ll say, “Do I know you?”  They’ll answer, “Yes! I was lying in the gutter, drunk, and your prayers gave me the strength to rise and give up drinking." Or another will respond, "Yes, you helped me. I was in despair, and your prayers brought the Mother of God to comfort me.”

But in the meantime, Satan will try to tell you the Rosary is just a bunch of words with no effect. He will try to convince you that you are too busy to finish it. He will tell you that no one will care or even know if you don’t say it today.

St. Louis Marie de Montfort had great faith in the Holy Rosary. In the 18th century, history had already witnessed the Rosary stopping wars, ending heresies and saving whole towns from barbarian invaders. Today, we have witnessed the power of the Rosary and Marian consecration in both Poland and the Philippines. The Filipino strong man Ferdinand Marcos was toppled from power without a single shot being fired. Television showed the Filipino people walking the streets and saying the Rosary.  In Poland, the Solidarity Movement, which helped bring down the Berlin Wall, was driven by the principles of True Devotion to Mary. Polish trade union organizer Lech Walesa, who founded the Solidarity Movement, had made his consecration to Jesus through Mary, as had his spiritual advisor, Pope John Paul II. Both Poland and the Philippines had been officially consecrated to Jesus through Mary.

So you see the invisible work of Mary’s children and soldiers. When I read about the work of the Legion of Mary in the world today, I find the same kind of humble soldiering going on. Legionaries in Barcelona, Spain, are involved in street apostolates to drug users and prostitutes. Legionaries hand out Catholic literature on Rodeo Drive in the heart of Beverly Hills, California. In Africa, legionaries are forced sometimes by violence to hold their weekly meeting in the fields. There the conversions are taking place by the thousands.

All this is possible because of prayer and prayer in action. Legion auxiliaries are armchair warriors for Christ in His Mother’s army, and the active members are the front line troops. They are the Marines who secure the beach. When they land, they come forward boldly, knowing there is a Lady holding their hand -- that Lady, who comes forth as the morning rising, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, and terrible as an army in battle array.

Would you like to become an armchair warrior for Christ in His Mother’s Army? To become an auxiliary member it is necessary to undertake to say the Rosary daily for the intentions of Mary, the Mother of God. There are some additional prayers here: Prayers that accompany the Daily Rosary   But you must sign up with the Legion of Mary itself. Contact your parish and ask for the location of the nearest Legion of Mary group.

One of the most beautiful prayers I’ve ever encountered. 
Here are the concluding prayers of the Legion of Mary: 
Confer, O Lord, on us, who serve beneath the standard of Mary, that fullness of faith in You and trust in her, to which it is given to conquer the world. Grant us a lively faith, animated by charity, which will enable us to perform all our actions from the motive of pure love of You, and ever to see You and serve You in our neighbor; a faith, firm and immovable as a rock, through which we shall rest tranquil and steadfast amid the crosses, toils and disappointments of life; a courageous faith which will inspire us to undertake and carry out without hesitation great things for your glory and for the salvation of souls; a faith which will be our Legion's Pillar of Fire - to lead us forth united - to kindle everywhere the fires of divine love - to enlighten those who are in darkness and in the shadow of death - to inflame those who are lukewarm - to bring back life to those who are dead in sin; and which will guide our own feet in the way of peace; so that - the battle of life over - our Legion may reassemble, without the loss of any one, in the kingdom of Your love and glory. Amen.

Join the End of Abortion Movement!
If you decide to say the Rosary daily, you can get a "Two-For." That is you can be an Auxiliary in the Legion of Mary and also join “The End of Abortion Movement: The Rosary is the Key.” You can say your daily Rosary both for Mary’s intentions and “for an end of abortion, contraception and euthanasia.” It’s easy: sign up here:  The End of Abortion Movement

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

LENT AGAIN: Fast from Your Easy Chair. Put on Christ!

by Susan Fox

Mardi Gras, 2014 -- Last night I sat in my easy chair and mourned.
Imagine your husband came home and asked you to move to a distant land to serve Christ -- in three years time. And you were really excited about it, and then suddenly you realized, “I can’t take it with me…” I can’t take the easy chair. I can’t take the Catholic books we collected over a lifetime. I can’t take mother’s dishes, my father’s photographs. Not only can’t I take it, but also I have no place to store it either!

I was even disturbed to think of losing my income tax records in case I was audited while I was in the distant land. What about those dusty folders I keep of research for future articles, the poems I wrote over a lifetime? 

Suddenly, I understood a thousand tiny silver threads tied me down. I was trussed up just like Lemuel Gulliver when he was captured by the Lilliputians.

At Mass this morning, Father said for Lent we should ask ourselves, “Who or what is holding you back?” And I thought with dismay, “My furniture! My new furniture. You know if I went home now, and my house was completely empty, I’d be much happier.” 

Ironically, I have always despised people who are attached to their easy chairs. I have said derogatorily that they will be still sitting there after they are dead. I didn’t even own an easy chair until 2010. We got one after my heart surgery because before my heart surgery I couldn’t sleep lying down. That’s common for people with heart problems. So without an easy chair where did I sleep? In my car, parked in my garage.

I got the second easy chair when we moved to Colorado in 2012 because Larry kept stealing mine. It’s lovely. It has red and gold leaves all over it, and that was the one I was sitting in last night when I realized I was attached to a chair. “Get up, Susan, and don’t sit down again! At least never sit down in that chair in your heart. Live in the world, but do not be of it.”

I remember a story of a nun who was dying, and she wasn’t happy. She had given up everything, marriage, children, and career to live the life of a Bride of Christ. But on the day she was dying, she wasn’t happy. A priest came to visit her, and realized she still had one silver thread holding her to the earth... He said to her, do you own a pen that was given to your mother by Pope So and So? Why yes, she did own such a pen. The priest told her to smash it.

She was quite angry at first, but she did as she was instructed. She was an obedient nun. And on the day she died she was laughing with joy! “That crazy priest knew what he was talking about!” she chortled.

Think of the enthusiasm of the man who went up to Jesus, and asked, “Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” And Jesus reminded him of the 10 commandments. “Teacher, all of these I have observed from my youth.”

So Jesus looked at him with love, and said, “You are lacking in one thing. Go sell what you have, and give to the poor...then come follow me.”

But the Gospels report that the man’s face fell, and he went away sad “for he had many possessions.” (Mark 10:22) Ho ho. I was there last night.

Jesus explains, “No one can serve two masters. He will either hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.” (Matt 6:24) Mammon is an idol. It means riches or possessions, but Psalm 37:3 hints the word means more than that -- "riches in which men trust.”

That is the whole issue, isn’t it? Who do we trust? Do we trust Our Lord Jesus Christ, or do we trust in keeping that easy chair? It should be an easy choice to make, but we quibble over it, don’t we? We are afraid to let go.

But Jesus Christ even responds to that fear in today's gospel. Peter said to Jesus, “We have given up everything and followed you.”  Jesus interrupted him and said, “Amen, I say to you, there is no one who has given up house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or lands for my sake and for the sake of the Gospel who will not receive a hundred times more now in this present age: houses and brothers and sisters and mothers and children and lands, with persecutions, and eternal life in the age to come.”  (Mark 10:28-31)

Luckily I had a Bible scholar sitting next to me at breakfast this morning. His wife was saying, “She’ll get the 100 easy chairs back in heaven, right?” She was concerned for my loss. And he said, “No, the promise is for this life,” meaning give up an easy chair and you get it back one hundred fold.  What will I ever do with 100 easy chairs? Share them with my friends, obviously.

But this biblical logic works. I have been reflecting lately about a sacrifice I made in 1991. I abandoned a successful 12-year career as an investigative newspaper reporter in order to stay home with my young son. I had been supporting the family until then, but Larry graduated with a degree in electrical engineering and was ready to go to work. My last temptation was the Wall Street Journal. They told me they were going to put me into their next opening in San Francisco. I didn’t tell them I was about to slink out of town and become a housewife. But I did -- slink out of town, that is. And I never looked back, which is why I am not a pillar of salt today.

And now, look at me. God has returned my writing job back to me a hundred fold. I am sitting here now and writing to you. And I don’t have an editor except Jesus Christ, and His servants.  I can literally write about anything I want.

But possessions aren’t the only trap that ties us to the earth. Those apostles who told Jesus, they had given up everything for Him? They were arguing about who was to be first in the kingdom right up to the Last Supper! Jesus even had to put a little child in front of them to remind them that unless you become as a little child you shall not enter the kingdom of heaven. Position, power and competition have their own unbreakable silver threads.

Jonathan Swift, who created the story of the travels of Lemuel Gulliver, was a bitter satirist. The Lilliputians who captured Gulliver quarreled over the practice of cracking eggs open. Their practice had been to break boiled eggs on the larger end, but a few generations before a Lilliputian Emperor decreed that all eggs be broken on the smaller end. (He had cut himself breaking the egg on the larger end). Well, not everyone agreed, and the differences between Big-Endians and Little-Endians gave rise to six rebellions in which one Emperor was killed and another lost his crown. Swift is making a parody of English history. King Henry VIII broke with Rome (Big Endians) so he could divorce his wife. Then he introduced Protestantism to England (Little Endians)

Could the quarrel with Rome been avoided had King Henry simply tried to live the beatitude, “Blessed are the meek” -- as in docile and obedient? Absolutely. If he had, the Church in England would be one with Rome today and England would be a more prosperous, happier nation. Use your imagination.

But don’t worry. I’m no better than King Henry. God likes to teach me things in my dreams. So one day I had a dream about a priest who had just given a retreat in Seattle. In the dream, the priest walked in on me and the other women who were in his formation program. We were all lying around asleep on a very large bed. Father entered and exclaimed, “You are asleep.” Yep. We were.

But he woke me up and took me outside to the front of the house we were sleeping in. “Susan, you like dessert (I do like dessert),” he said, adding, “Go to the back of the house, and I will meet you there and give you this dessert.” (He held a cake on a plate.) And I looked and there was a huge, vast tract of empty land behind the house, which was now a mansion. So yes, I was motivated. My aggressive news reporting instincts were on full alert.

There was a grown woman next to me sitting on top of an adult-sized tricycle, probably one of my fellow servants of Christ. So I pushed her off the tricycle and got on it and starting peddling to the back of the house where that big land waited. But I never got there because I woke up, and thought, “Blessed are the meek: for they shall possess the land.” Oh, oh. I failed that one.

Notice the childish behavior of pushing someone off a tricycle. This symbolized the way we try to get things done – even when striving to do something good -- through our own power and authority, not docilely dependent on God.  The end doesn’t justify the means.

Five years later, the same priest ate half his dessert, walked past 70 other people in our group and handed me his half dessert. My tablemates were a little shocked, but I was joyful. “Lord, does that mean I’ve made progress on that beatitude?”

The key to letting go of attachments is not to detach. No, the movement is in the opposite direction.  Anchor your heart in Christ Jesus and hold on for all you are worth. You will drop the easy chair without even noticing it.

It’s mysterious, but the message of today’s gospel reading is whatever you give up for the sake of the kingdom of God, you will receive back a hundredfold. And remember this: Jesus concludes the gospel with the words, “But many that are first will be last, and the last will be first.” (Mark 10:31)

So leave your fellow servants on their tricycle.

Humbly walk with Christ.

And for Lent, imagine your husband or other family member comes home and invites you to move to a distant land to serve God.

Good News. We cut the strings and moved to Austria where both of us are studying theology at the International Theological Institute in Trumau Austria.   There's no easy chair, but life here has its compensations. My tax records arrived safely. A young newlywed took my mother's dishes. My father's photos went to a cousin, who will cherish them. My furniture went to the new homeowner. Read all about it here: Why It's Still Planet Earth: Catholic Education in Austria

Remember Man, You are Dust!